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1 Samuel 1

1.  Hannah is intensely praying for God to answer her.  We all are there or have been there.  What are some things that you have prayed for intensely? How long did you wait/have you been waiting for your breakthrough?



2.  Hannah makes a covenant with God.  She promised to give her child to God if He blesses her with one.  Give some examples of godly actions you took in seeking God for your breakthrough.  (see James 2:17)




3.  Was Hannah jealous of Peninnah? Jealousy is a human emotion.  How did Hannah handle it in this case?




4.  How would you describe Elkanah?  How was Hannah’s attitude towards him problematic? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5.  Hannah went to pray through a yearly ritual by following the law.  How did this ritualistic behavior lead to her relying on her faith in God?  Explain.



6.  Hannah fulfilled her part of the covenant by giving Samuel to God when he was about 3 years old.  Have you ever made a covenant with God that was difficult to fulfill? What happened?


7.  What are some examples of covenants that we could make with God?



8.  Bonus Question: What was the blessing Hannah received by fulfilling her part of the covenant?



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