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God’s Glory.

Exodus 33 and 34

1.   At first, God refused to go with the Israelites into Canaan.  Why? What did God want to do instead? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2.   Where did Moses go to meet God? Why do you think he did not leave the people and go all the way up to the top of Mt. Sinai right away? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3.   How did God appear amongst the people? What was their response?




4.   What did Moses say to God to change His mind? What was God’s response? 



5.   God told Moses that He knows him “by name”.  What did Moses do for God to know Moses by his name? What can we learn from Moses for God to know us by name? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6.   Moses asked God to show him His glory.  What did God say and do in response? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7.   Moses went back up to Mt. Sinai to do what for a second time? How long was he there?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



8.   God renewed His covenant with Israel in Exodus 34:10-16.  What did He say, and how can this apply to us today as our covenant with God?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


9.   What sign did Moses have that the glory of God was on him when he came down from Mt. Sinai? Why was that glow not there the first time he returned with the Ten Commandments?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10.  Did the Israelites pass the test the second time around when Moses went up to Mt. Sinai? Can the wrath of God bring about good results? Give an example from personal experience or the Bible of how God’s correction brought change or repentance. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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