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1.  Even though God promised Abraham[1] numerous descendants in Genesis 15, what was going through Sarah’s mind that caused her to have fear?



2.  Have you ever lacked faith that God was going to move in your life? What causes the lack of faith? What does the lack of faith create?



3.  How could discipline and self-control help Sarah’s fears when she gave Hagar to her husband? How could it help in a fearful situation in your life?



4.  After Hagar ran away, she returned back home to Abraham and Sarah.  What gave her the strength to return back to her owners?



5.  God promises us good things in the Bible, through prophecy, an Angel, dreams, the Holy Spirit, etc.  How should these promises help cast out fear?



6.  Can you think of an instance where you have to face something that frightens you? What are at least three ways that it could be handled in a godly manner?



7.  Let’s say you have to do something in line with God’s will for your life and you are frightened.  Is it a sin to do it while afraid or to not do it at all to avoid feeling scared?



8.  What specific fear did Sarah have after Isaac was born?  What happened as a result of it?



9.  The Angel of God speaks to Hagar after she is left in the wilderness with Ishmael to die.  Why is God so involved with Hagar and Ishmael?



10.  How is Hagar’s fear in the wilderness similar to Sarah’s fear before Isaac was born?



11. Bonus: Why does Sarai’s name change to Sarah and Abram’s name change to Abraham?




[1] Throughout Genesis 16, the name Sarai is for Sarah and Abram is for Abraham


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